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ERP implementation: Importance of Change Management

Getting an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project off the ground takes more than just money. While robust ERP solutions of today promise real-time insight into sales patterns, boost productivity and streamline business operations, no amount of bells and whistles can make up for a lack of staff buy-in.

In fact, according to a recent report, the largest difficulty during ERP implementation is a lack of employee buy-in, cited by 38% of respondents.

The importance of Change Management in ERP implementation can’t be stressed enough. Transformation processes are at risk of failure without goal-oriented Change Management. When organizations introduce new systems that have an impact on work processes, managing change becomes a prerequisite.

At first glance, change management may appear to be a challenging task. It is, nonetheless, vital for ERP success.

Some of the key highlights of this whitepaper include:

  • Why do Businesses need Change Management
  • What happens if Change Management isn't done properly
  • Tips for ERP Implementation
  • The Importance of Change Management in Dynamics 365 Implementation
  • Things to keep in mind when Managing Change