Your Dynamics Business Partner

Power BI

Gain intelligent data insight, to empower your business with Power BI

Power BI provide a single view of all your business data, from Dynamics 365, Azure SQL DB, Excel, SQL Server, and Sharepoint.

Microsoft Dynamics Power

Microsoft Dynamics Power BI Functionality

Dashboard icon

Business Dashboard

Monitor data from your apps, projects, operations, and web with the Power BI on Dynamics 365 using a single dashboard.

Reporting icon

Enable Interactive Reporting

Use your business data to analyze, transform, and create reports that can be shared across organization for improved decisions.

Support Icon

Consistent Analysis Support

Build robust and reusable models using On-Prem SQL Server Analysis Services and Cloud-enabled Azure Analysis Services.

Analytics Icon

Embed BI and Analytics

Get Power BI embedded service for extraordinary business experience, from detailed reports to interactive data.

Adopt An Intelligent Business Process, Adopt Power BI

Power BI brings you the ultimate visual data capabilities with its interactive and easy-to-understand dashboard.

At DynamicsSmartz, we introduce you to the next-level navigation capabilities and better business actions, intended to add more value to your business.

Benefits of Power BI

Integrates seamlessly with existing applications

Use reporting and analytics tools to swiftly embed dynamic visualisations in your applications.

Rich Personalized Dashboards

Create a consistent user experience by using reports and dashboards that are specifically tailored to your requirements.

No Memory and Speed Constraints

Eliminate any memory and processing time restrictions by quickly retrieving and analysing your data.

Extract Intelligence Rapidly and Accurately

Transform your enterprise data into detailed reports and rich visualizations for better decision-making.

Explore Power BI to discover insights
hidden in your data