Your Dynamics Business Partner


Diversify your offerings with Microsoft Dynamics Partner Program

Posted by Shawn Sauve / calender-icon Apr 30, 2022

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Microsoft Dynamics Partner Program

There’s no denying that building partnerships aids business growth. When ISV partners, solution aggregators, direct and indirect partners combine their own competitive advantages to fulfill the unique needs of customers, the Microsoft Partner Network reaches its full potential.

Due to the specialization within the partner network, individual partners can devote their time to developing the solutions and ideas that they are most passionate about.

Because of the scale of the Microsoft product ecosystem and the rapid speed of innovation, businesses must specialize in order to provide the highest quality of services. Microsoft Dynamics Partner Program enables partners to share their expertise in specific Microsoft product areas with other partners to help each other develop the best possible customer experience and services.

It is always in the best interests of Microsoft Partners to provide customers with the best software, integration experience, and service offerings. The purpose of the Microsoft Dynamics Partner Program is to boost customer loyalty. Overall, the P2P model produces a win-win situation for both partners and clients. 

DynamicsSmartz is looking to collaborate with partners that are actively engaged with the North American market. DynamicsSmartz is a leading Dynamics ERP and CRM Partner. We are constantly assessing relevant relationships across Microsoft’s rapidly expanding product suite.

Small partners, in particular, struggle to build the resources necessary to have a thorough understanding of every Microsoft product in-house. For partners wishing to expand their service offerings into new areas of the product ecosystem, DynamicsSmartz’s well-rounded staff of Microsoft experts can be a great resource.

Access to our support services is another advantage of partnering with DynamicsSmartz. DynamicsSmartz can assist your customers in Microsoft areas where your company lacks expertise. A Microsoft 365 partner, for example, can refer a client to DynamicsSmartz for help with their Dynamics 365 deployment and we can help you and your customer with seamless implementation. 

Here are some key advantages of the Microsoft Partner-to-Partner (P2P) Program Opportunity:

1. You can concentrate on depth, yet provide customers with a breadth of services

It’s difficult to be everything to everyone and good at everything at the same time. It’s always better to be good at just a few things if you want to compete, differentiate yourself, and improve your margins. Your customers, on the other hand, are usually looking for more than what you have to give. That’s where having dependable partners comes in handy. 

You’re familiar with your partners’ people, their values, and their success stories.  You can extend your dialogue knowing that your partners are looking out for your best interests and that of the customer.

What’s even better is that your partners share your sentiments. You get to concentrate on what you’re strong at (while delegating the rest to your partners). Your partners concentrate on their strengths (while ‘delegating’ to your company the work that you excel at). A mutually beneficial relationship in which both parties benefit.

2. You have the option of pursuing business or clients that you may not have been able to secure on your own

Have you ever wished your company was three or five times its current size so that larger customers would notice you and not dismiss you? Establishing yourself as part of an alliance, a collective, or a consortium of partners can help you bid against some of the larger generalist partners who can dominate in particular marketplaces. The fundamental difference is that you not only get the breadth of your partners’ expertise, but you also have the depth of a specialist. 

3. You can support and help each other scale 

Working closely with other Microsoft Partners allows you to observe and understand how other partners run their businesses. Microsoft partners can use partner-to-partner (P2P) co-selling to reach out to new clients and expand the market for their solutions.

What are the benefits of P2P co-selling for partners? What makes this a one-of-a-kind opportunity?

P2P connects partners together to expand their client base, enter new markets, and lead with compelling customer offers.  Most ISVs already have a channel of their own, and in most cases, that channel is also the Microsoft channel

Furthermore, P2P co-sell brings Microsoft’s partners together to drive creative solutions across all three clouds, reducing time to market and often increasing deal size.


At DynamicsSmartz, we value the Microsoft partnerships we’ve built over time. Our partner strategy is based on effectively growing the growth trajectory of our partner network, allowing us to help you increase revenue, cut expenditures, improve relationships, build customer loyalty, and scale your business on-demand. Our partner program has one goal: to help you expand your business. Drop us a line if you’d like to learn more about our partner program.