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Questions you should ask when choosing an ERP /CRM Implementation Partner

There's no denying that the implementation partner you choose can make or break your project. The right partner will expertly handle the project, putting in place a structure that will move your company forward. On the other hand, choosing the wrong partner can negatively impact your implementation journey, resulting in business disruption and financial loss.

So, how do you make the most informed decision? Pose more challenging questions. Deeper questions compel partners to think and disclose a lot more about their business processes and their commitment to customers.

Choosing a partner for your ERP implementation can be tricky, whether it's your first time or you're upgrading an existing solution. When there are hundreds of Microsoft Dynamics Partners around the world, it might be difficult to narrow down your choices.

To help you, we've compiled a list of questions to consider when choosing your implementation partner. Download this free whitepaper and find out the top questions you must ask your ERP/CRM partner.

Some of the key highlights of this whitepaper include:

  • Introduction to ERP Implementation
  • Top Questions you must ask your ERP/CRM Partner
  • How can DynamicsSmartz assist you with ERP/CRM Implementation?